By using the Social Pinpoint Mapping Tool you are taken to have accepted these Terms and Conditions set out below.
The City of Bemidji Parks and Recreation Department requires the use of email addresses to ensure data integrity. The Parks and Recreation Department may contact the user with project updates, information, or additional surveys. User data will not be shared beyond this project's purposes, nor will it be spammed with unrelated content.
The user agrees to provide their email of their own free will in order to participate in this phase of public engagement. Users can contact the Parks and Trails Department at any time and ask that their email and any related survey information be deleted.
The City of Bemidji is working on a Strategic Park and Trail System Plan and we need your help to provide feedback!
Follow the steps to use this interactive map!
Please click the link on the left side of the screen to fill out our survey and thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback!